Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How to wirte a poem?

I wonder how poets have ever written their poetry. Is it so easy and so simple that the poet would scribble a poem in a jiffy when inspired or did they have to put in hours and days of hardwork to write a poem? What could inspire a poet to write such mellifluous and sweet poems while people like me, who are aspiring-to-be poets and perspire for days together toward the cause, find it hard to even pen two lines let alone a stanza?

When I am inspired (a state that is attained as frequently as say a I put a blade to my chin, which happens once every week, to be precise) I try to pen something down. The inspiration (that elusive thing!), though, last only as long as one or two lines or sometimes, when lady luck shovers her blessings on me, for three lines. The situation changes once the inspiration ebbs and however much I perspire, I am unable to find any coherent sentences or words to continue the poem. This makes me think "Alas! the world would be cheated of a great poem. An irreplacable loss to the poetic community."

Anyway, you all, no doubt, might have already had the opportunity to peruse some idiotic jottings written under the guise of poetry. I shan't bother you much with my musings now!

However, I still am left with an unanswered question! Who shall be the one to show me the light?

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